Akupunkturpunkt des Tages: "Zu San Li" (Magen 36)
Einer der wichtigsten und häufigsten behandelten Akupunkturpunkte ist "Zu San Li" (Magen 36). Er befindet sich auf dem Magen-Meridian und...
Acupuncture Point of the day: "Zu San Li" (Stomach 36)
One of the most important and commonly-treated acupuncture points is "Zu San Li" (Stomach 36). It is located on the stomach meridian and...
"Food for Thought" Health
In our society, we are constantly exposed to stress factors, challenging moments in life and negative news. In the long term, this can...
"Food for Thought" Thema: Gesundheit
In unserer heutigen Gesellschaft sind wir im Alltag konstant Stressfaktoren, herausfordernden Lebenssituationen und negativen Nachrichten...
Simple Nutrition Tips according to Chinese Medicine
As a TCM therapist, I am regularly confronted with questions about nutrition. Due to the diet-jungle, it is sometimes difficult to...
2018 Chinese New Year of the Earth-Dog
On the 16th of February we celebrated the start of the year of the Earth Dog. The dog is the eleventh of twelve animals of the zodiac...
Welcome to my TCM Blog
“The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.” Lao Tzu Welcome to my TCM blog! This is a new milestone for me and I am very...
Einfache Ernährungstipps nach TCM
Als TCM Therapeutin werde ich in meinem Praxis-Alltag regelmässig mit dem Thema Ernährung konfrontiert. Vor lauter Diäten Dschungel ist...